Iām struggling to create a custom kirbytag who looks something like this:
<figure class="content-img">
<?php if($image = $data->image()): ?>
<img src="<?php echo thumb($image, array(
'width' => 480,
'quality' => 1
))->url(); ?>"
data-src="<?php echo $image->resize(1140)->url() ?>"
class="lazyload blur-up" />
<?php endif ?>
Any help is much appreciated!
I guess you want to pass the image filename to the Kirbytag and then print the markup you posted, right?
What exactly are you struggling with? I will try to help.
Hello Lukas,
yes exactly!
I got this gist https://gist.github.com/mbecher/0106039f494258728d52 but Iām not sure how to start with my much simpler example.
It would be really nice to point me in the right direction
Try something like this (untested):
kirbytext::$tags['figure'] = [
'html' => function($tag) {
$attr = $tag->attr('figure');
$image = $tag->file($attr);
if(!$image) return '';
$figure = new Brick('figure');
$img = new Brick('img');
$img->attr('src', thumb($image, array('width' => 480, 'quality' => 1))->url());
$img->attr('data-src', $image->resize(1140)->url());
$img->attr('alt', '');
$img->attr('title', '');
$img->attr('class', 'lazyload blur-up');
return $figure;
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