My first steps with Kirby

Youā€™re right, sorry. I was in a rush and didnā€™t try to understand. So I will try with my poor coding skills. Sorry for you, I will haunt that forum.

Thank you so much flokosiol for the[quote=ā€œflokosiol, post:10, topic:3316ā€]
starting point

Iā€™ve followed what youā€™ve mentionned but Iā€™m still in the Darkness.

Basically, I would like to start with the fotograf theme Iā€™ve bought and add some functionnality (a menu with subsection and slideshow for examples) from an other theme.

So Iā€™ve changed the pages = true as flokosiol said
Then, Iā€™ve added ā€œfolder.phpā€ . The code is quite simple :

site/templates/folder.php ā†’
<?php go($pages->findOpen()->children()->visible()->first()->url()) ?>

but thatā€™s changing nothing in my navigation menuā€¦ I canā€™t show up a child page

Iā€™ll dig up
Now I know that it would not be done with a snap !
