Hello guys,
I am a little bit overwhelmed with filtering via routes. My problem is that I haven’t learned PHP so far, so I don’t understand how to apply the guides from the docs to my site. First I gonna describe what I want to archive:
I want to build a site for my friends where they can upload short video clips from the video games. Every video page should have different categories.
- Which game (Valorant, Among Us, …)
- Which player (Nickname)
- Optional tags (Win, fail, funny, etc)
In my content root folder, I have an unlisted page called “Games” with every game as a subpage. The same with “Players”.
The blueprint for the video page has two multiselect fields. With the first one, the user can select a game from the games subpages and with the second from the players subpages. After that there comes a tags field.
label: Game
type: multiselect
max: 1
options: query
fetch: site.find('games').children
text: "{{ page.title }}"
value: "{{ page.title }}"
label: Spieler/in
type: multiselect
options: query
fetch: site.find('player').children
text: "{{ page.title }}"
value: "{{ page.title }}"
label: Tags
query: page.siblings.pluck("tags", ",", true)
On frontend side, I print the game, the player and the tags. Now the user should be able to click on a game, and should be able to see all videos from this game. The same with the player and tags.
<div class="box-links">
<?php foreach ($subpage->categories() as $category): ?>
<a href="<?= $site->url() ?>/<?= $category ?>" class="button <?= $category ?>"><?= $category ?></a>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php foreach ($subpage->players() as $player): ?>
<a href="<?= $site->url() ?>/<?= $player ?>" class="button player"><?= $player ?></a>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php foreach ($subpage->tags()->split() as $tag): ?>
<a href="<?= $site->url() ?>/<?= $tag ?>" class="tag"><?= $tag ?></a>
<?php endforeach ?>
Now I thought it could be a way to make the link like this: domain.com/valorant or domain.com/nickname Kirby reads that and does the filtering. I made my config and controller like this, but when I click on the game link, I get the error page with the default template. I want to print the homepage with home.php template with filtered posts.
return [
'routes' => [
'pattern' => '/valorant',
'action' => function ($categories) {
return page('home')->render([
'categories' => $categories
return function ($site, $categories) {
$videos = $site
if ($categories) {
$videos = $videos->filterBy('categories', $categories);
return [
'videos' => $videos
(I havn’t use the (:any) placeholder because I wanted to get this thing working first.)
I tried several days now to understand the docs and other posts in the forum but I can’t solve this issue.