Multiple cache options


I am playing with Kirby cache, and need the cache to ignore a page in a couple of scenarios:

  1. I have specified the page shouldn’t be cached in the blueprint
  2. I have a specific block included on the page (a contact form)

I have the below setup:

'cache' => [
      'pages' => [
          'active' => true,
          'ignore' => function ($page) {
            return $page->pageBuilder()->toBlocks()->filterBy('type', 'contact-form')->isNotEmpty();
          'ignore' => function($page) {
            $options = $page->blueprint()->options();
            return isset($options['cache']) ? !$options['cache'] : false;

Is this correct? It doesn’t seem to be working.

You can only have one ignore key, so no, this is not correct, and you have to merge your conditions into one.

Thought I would revisit this to post my solution - it could probably be more elegant but does the job. It allows for a cache: false in blueprint options, and also checks for a contact form block being used in a pageBuilder field:

'cache' => [
      'pages' => [
          'active' => true,
          'ignore' => function ($page) {
            $options = $page->blueprint()->options();
            $optionsSet = isset($options['cache']) ? !$options['cache'] : false;
            $noCacheBlocks = $page->pageBuilder()->toBlocks()->filterBy('type', 'contact-form')->isNotEmpty();
            if($optionsSet == true || $noCacheBlocks == true):
              return true;
              return false;

If you want something shorter:

  'cache' => [
    'pages' => [
      'active' => true,
      'ignore' => fn ($page) => ($page->blueprint()->options()['cache'] ?? true) === false ||
        $page->pageBuilder()->toBlocks()->filterBy('type', 'contact-form')->isNotEmpty()

That is much more elegant, thank you