More Effeciant Routes

Im working with an API that has quite a few endpoints. The code below works but is really repititious. Is there a way to make it smarter without so much code? LIke a function or something that i just pass the part of it im trying to reach?

  'routes' => [
          'pattern' => 'snipcart/orders',
          'action'  => function () {

            $apisecretkey = option('hashandsalt.kirby-snipcart.snipcartlive') === true ? option('hashandsalt.kirby-snipcart.apisecretlive') : option('hashandsalt.kirby-snipcart.apisecrettest');

            $snipcart = [];

            $request = Remote::get('', [
              'headers' => [
                  'Accept:' . 'application/json',
                  'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($apisecretkey . ':')

            if ($request->code() === 200) {
                $snipcart = $request->json();

            return $snipcart;
          'pattern' => 'snipcart/abandoned',
          'action'  => function () {

            $apisecretkey = option('hashandsalt.kirby-snipcart.snipcartlive') === true ? option('hashandsalt.kirby-snipcart.apisecretlive') : option('hashandsalt.kirby-snipcart.apisecrettest');

            $snipcart = [];

            $request = Remote::get('', [
              'headers' => [
                  'Accept:' . 'application/json',
                  'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($apisecretkey . ':')

            if ($request->code() === 200) {
                $snipcart = $request->json();

            return $snipcart;

There could be up to 12 of these, so dont really want to carry on down this path.

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I’d move these request to a function or create a class whose methods you can then query in your routes. And/or you use a single route with different options

'pattern' => 'snipcart/(:any)',
'action'  => function ($param) {

So $param would be whatever :any is?


Ok this mostly works…

    'pattern' => 'snipcart/(:any)',
    'action'  => function ($param) {

      $apisecretkey = option('hashandsalt.kirby-snipcart.snipcartlive') === true ? option('hashandsalt.kirby-snipcart.apisecretlive') : option('hashandsalt.kirby-snipcart.apisecrettest');
      $snipcart = [];
      $request = Remote::get(''. $param, [
        'headers' => [
            'Accept:' . 'application/json',
            'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($apisecretkey . ':')

      if ($request->code() === 200) {
          $snipcart = $request->json();

      return $snipcart;

But one of the end points is which needs a second (:any). How can i get it tell the difference between snipcart/(:any) and snipcart/(:any)/(:any) so i can build up the end of the URL for the api in a single route? is that possible?

You can use (:all) instead of (:any) for a catch-all route, or an array of alternatives.