Mobile App - Frontend - Thumb Server

I’m using the thumbsever route made by @texnixe now I’m wondering it it is possible to detect if the input file is a png or a jpg so I can create the thumb in the right format. Especially if the source file has transparency this would be useful.

      'pattern' => 'thumbserver/(:any)',
      'action'  => function ($fileUuid) {

        $file = site()->index()->files()->findBy('uuid', 'file://' . $fileUuid);
        if ($file) {
          $width  = get('width') ?? 200;
          $height = get('height') ?? 200;
          $format = get('format') ?? 'jpg';
          $quality = get('quality') ?? 70;
          $crop   = get('crop') ?? false;

          return Response::file($file->thumb([
                'width'  => $width,
                'height' => $height,
                'crop'   => $crop,
                'format' => $format,
        return null;

Once you have the file object (after this if statement), you have access to all file methods, including $file->mime(), $file->type(), $file->extension() etc.

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Thank you, works perfect