Well, unfortunately the project is private so i cant really share much but its basically a page method that rips through a structure field and turns each entry into a distinct area the page (banner, body text, image panel etc)
It also works out if the page has a banner background video or an image set, and after jumping through some hoops, if its an image, it sets the URL of the image url into a variable called $hero_bg
Theres another method declared immediately under it to build the actual banner using bricks. I need to alter the structure, and for that i need the value of $hero_bg
to use in the second method.
the first custom page method (in a plugin file) looks a bit like this (it’s huge)…
page::$methods['sectionBuild'] = function($page, $field='sections') {
$content = '';
foreach($page->{$field}()->toStructure() as $section):
$classes = r($section->classes()->isNotEmpty(), str_replace(',',' ',$section->classes()->value()), false);
$id = r($section->section_id()->isNotEmpty(), $section->section_id()->value(), false);
$hero_bg = false;
$video_hero = false;
$modal = false;
case 'hero':
$hero_results = $page->heroSectionBg();
$text = $page->heroSection($section);
// If image
if($hero_results[1] == false):
$hero_bg = $hero_results[0];
// If video
elseif($hero_results[1] == true):
$video_hero = $hero_results[0];
$text .= $hero_results[2];
$hero_bg = $hero_results[3];
$classes .= ' hero-video';
$classes = 'banner-innerpage-block blog-banner banner-pad'.r($classes, ' '.$classes);
case 'top':
$text = $page->textSection($section);
$content.= r($modal, brick('div', $modal, ['id'=>$id]), brick('section', $video_hero.$text, ['class'=>$classes,'id'=>$id, 'style'=>$hero_bg]));
return $content;
Previously, the image was set as a background image via an inline style on the first method. For seo reasons, i need to make that an image tag inside the banner area instead, and for that i need the value $hero_bg available in the second method which looks like this:
page::$methods['heroSection'] = function($page, $section) {
$bannerimg = $hero_bg; // currently throws a woops
if(isset($page->heroParent) && $page->heroParent):
$page = $page->parent();
$section = $page;
$page->headerField = 'header';
$page->header = $section->{$page->headerField}()->value();
$text = brick('h1', $page->header);
$text.= $page->breadcrumbs();
$text = brick('div', $text, ['class'=>'inner-page-content']);
$text = brick('div', brick('div', $text, ['class'=>'row']), ['class'=>'container-block']);
$text.= brick('div', brick('img', false, ['src'=>url('assets/images/small-img/banner-logo.png')]), ['class'=>'banner-logo']);
return $text;
How can get the value $hero_bg set in the first method in the second method as the value of $bannerimg
The only way i can think is to just duplicate that case logic in the second method, but that seems a little sloppy. Must be a better way.