Load more with AJAX - pagination not working

Hey there,
i followed the cookbook Load more with Ajax | Kirby CMS step by step, because i want to implement this into my blog-listing. Now when i try to load more, i get a 404-javascript-error because http://localhost/khepri-template-base/beitraege.json/page:2 is not defined.

http://localhost/khepri-template-base/beitraege.json shows the correct json object. I also dumped the pagination variable (it has 5).

I double checked the cookbook but everything seems correct. Any advices?


I tested the cookbook again in a Starterkit and it works as expected.

I fixed the error. For me i needed to change the link created in javascript from “.json/page:” to “.json/page;”. I used the newest version oft Kirby. Maybe this has changed?

No, it hasn’t. Are you on Windows?

Yes on windows

Then that’s why.