Language switcher on frontend

I want to have “-” between de FR - NL language switcher.
How can i do this?

<div class="language">
		<?php foreach($site->languages() as $language): ?>
		<li<?php e($site->language() == $language, ' class="active"') ?>> <a href="<?php echo $page->url($language->code()) ?>"><?php echo html($language->name()) ?></a> </li>
		<?php endforeach ?>

Here you go. I did this really quick, just adopt it to your needs. Cheers!

<div class="language">
        $languages = $site->languages();

        $i = 0;
        $len = count($languages);

        foreach ( $languages as $language ) {

            echo '<li><a href="' . $page->url($language->code()) . '">' . html($language->name()) . '</a>' . e($i != $len - 1, ' - ') . '</li>';



Thx for the reply but when I test this, the “-” comes on the end. like this "FR NL-"
How can I resolve this?

Since the dash is just styling, you can use this CSS with your existing template code:

.language li:not(:last-child):after {
  content: ' - ';
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I agree with @lukasbestle on this.

BTW: The code above is not quite correct, because count($languages) will not work as expected, because $languages is an object, not an array, so the correct way to count the number of languages would be


If you really wanted to this via php, you could do this:

<div class="language">
    $languages = $site->languages();
    foreach ( $languages as $language ): ?>
         <a href="<?= $page->url($language->code()) ?>"><?= html($language->name()) ?></a> <?php e($language != $languages->last(), ' - ') ?>
    <?php endforeach ?>

That’s weird, I just tested this on my Kirby install and it appears correctly. You can try changing != to ==. But I would suggest you follow @lukasbestle way of doing it, it’s better than doing it PHP.

Oh, I wasn’t aware of that! Thanks @texnixe! Learning something new everyday :thumbsup: