Kirby YAKME - yet another kirby markdown editor

Kirby - YAKME (yet another kirby markdown editor)

Kirby - YAKME

Download it for free at GitHub.

Version 1.0.0 - 2016-07-13

  • Initial Public Offering.

Version 1.1.5 - 2016-07-14

  • Small adjustmens / fixes.
  • Optional image-check for markdown-images.

What is it?

Kirby - YAKME (Yet Another Kirby Markdown Editor) is a markdown editor for Kirby.

It uses the excellent Simple MDE (editor) from as it’s core-engine.

More info about Kirby can be found at


  • Download the .zip and extract it to the root of your site.
  • Optionally you can configure some settings in site/config/config.php.


A sample blueprint is included, as an introduction for the basic set-up.

title: Page
pages: true
files: true

    label: Title
    type:  text

    label: Yakme - Example
    type:  yakme

The fieldtype is yakme and it accepts no additional options (besides the one you can set in config.php and by setting the field-preferences ( font / wysiwyg ) for each field alone).

Once set, the field can be rendered like this;

    echo $page->yakme_example()->kirbytext();


The field acts like a normal textarea, but with some extra's;

1. Live preview toggle (**eye icon**).
2. Hide markdown codes (**hashtag icon**).
3. Side by side editing (**column icon**).
4. Fixed font option (**font icon**).
5. Full support of all markdown codes ( ).

The fixed font is helpfull when creating tables or entering codes.

Every instance of a YAKME-field can have individual preferences;

1. Fixed font or default font.
2. Toggle (WYSIWYG) markdown codes.

These settings are saved to the local machine in the localstorage of your browser.

### Config

By default, no `config` is needed. But you can set the height of the YAKME-field and perform an image-check;

c::set('yakme_height', 0);

This will set an "auto-height" for every field; the more the content, the larger the field.

c::set('yakme_height', 480);

This will set a "fixed-height" for every field; the size is in pixels and when the content becomes to large, a scrollbar will appear.

The settings defaults to 320px - so that's used when no settings are available.


c::set('yakme_images', 0);

Markdown-images will not be checked for validity, when rendered in the live-preview.

c::set('yakme_images', 1);
A check will be performed when previewing markdown-images. When an images does not exist, a error-sign is showed.

**Please note, Kirby image-tags can not be validated.**

###Known issues###

- Image drag / drop is not (yet) supported.
- Kirby-tags are supported, but not rendered in the live-preview.
- Images are only rendered in the live-preview with a full url.
- Turning of the markdown codes (hastag icon) do not show if text is selected / can hide the cursor.


![Kirby - YAKME]( "Kirby - YAKME")

*Kirby YAKME - yet another kirby markdown editor.*