Hey there,
I am trying to setup a checkbox with the uniform plugin, that sends multiple values, when they are checked. Unfortunately I cannot get it work. Is this even possible?
Hey there,
I am trying to setup a checkbox with the uniform plugin, that sends multiple values, when they are checked. Unfortunately I cannot get it work. Is this even possible?
Check out this: Uniform plugin – Keep checkboxes status on error
Thanks for your reply. It is still not sending.
I registered the fields like this:
$form = new Form([
// Fields
'type' => [],
And then in the template:
<ul class="contactForm__type">
<?php $value = $form->old('type') ?>
<input type="checkbox" id="buero" name="type[]" value="BĂĽroreinigung"<?php e($form->value('BĂĽroreinigung'), ' checked')?>/>
<label for="buero">BĂĽroreinigung</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="glass" name="type[]" value="Glasreinigung"<?php e($form->value('Glasreinigung'), ' checked')?>/>
<label for="glass">Glasreinigung</label>
The email template looks currently like this:
if (array_key_exists('type', $form)) {
foreach ($form['type'] as $key => $value) {
echo $value . "\n";
} else {
echo 'Nichts ausgewählt!' . "\n" . "\n";
It is simply reloading the form page, instead of sending the mailform and forwarding to the thanks-page. Any ideas?
Hm, I only tested a quick example without Uniform, so I have to install that first. I’ll try to look into this later.
Could you quickly post your complete controller and form for testing?
We are talking Kirby 3, right?
I did a quick test and in my example, the data is sent.
For the form to show the checked values, I had to make the following changes:
<?php $value = $form->old('type') !== '' ? $form->old('type') : [] ?>
<ul class="contactForm__type">
<input type="checkbox" id="buero" name="type[]" value="BĂĽroreinigung" <?= in_array('BĂĽroreinigung', $value)? 'checked':'' ?>/>
<label for="buero">BĂĽroreinigung</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="glass" name="type[]" value="Glasreinigung" <?= in_array('Glasreinigung', $value)? 'checked':'' ?>/>
<label for="glass">Glasreinigung</label>
Looks a bit ugly but seems to work.
Awesome - it works! Thanks a lot for looking into it and the great support.