Kirby Uniform Plugin: Multiple Checkbox

Hey there,

I am trying to setup a checkbox with the uniform plugin, that sends multiple values, when they are checked. Unfortunately I cannot get it work. Is this even possible?


Check out this: Uniform plugin – Keep checkboxes status on error


Thanks for your reply. It is still not sending.

I registered the fields like this:

  $form = new Form([
// Fields
'type' => [],


And then in the template:

      <ul class="contactForm__type">
        <?php $value = $form->old('type') ?>
          <input type="checkbox" id="buero" name="type[]" value="BĂĽroreinigung"<?php e($form->value('BĂĽroreinigung'), ' checked')?>/>
          <label for="buero">BĂĽroreinigung</label>
          <input type="checkbox" id="glass" name="type[]" value="Glasreinigung"<?php e($form->value('Glasreinigung'), ' checked')?>/>
          <label for="glass">Glasreinigung</label>

The email template looks currently like this:

if (array_key_exists('type', $form)) {
    foreach ($form['type'] as $key => $value) {
    echo $value . "\n";
} else {
    echo 'Nichts ausgewählt!' . "\n" . "\n";

It is simply reloading the form page, instead of sending the mailform and forwarding to the thanks-page. Any ideas?

Hm, I only tested a quick example without Uniform, so I have to install that first. I’ll try to look into this later.

Thank you!

Could you quickly post your complete controller and form for testing?

We are talking Kirby 3, right?

I did a quick test and in my example, the data is sent.

For the form to show the checked values, I had to make the following changes:

<?php $value = $form->old('type') !== '' ? $form->old('type') : [] ?>
<ul class="contactForm__type">

          <input type="checkbox" id="buero" name="type[]" value="BĂĽroreinigung" <?= in_array('BĂĽroreinigung', $value)? 'checked':'' ?>/>
          <label for="buero">BĂĽroreinigung</label>
          <input type="checkbox" id="glass" name="type[]" value="Glasreinigung" <?= in_array('Glasreinigung', $value)? 'checked':'' ?>/>
          <label for="glass">Glasreinigung</label>

Looks a bit ugly but seems to work.

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Awesome - it works! Thanks a lot for looking into it and the great support.
