Kirby Uniform Issue

When submitting the form I get the following error caused by the formaction.php in the uniform plugin

Kirby\Toolkit\Str::template(): Argument #3 ($options) must be of type array, string given

Using Kirby 3.7.5. Any idea how to fix it?

Could you post a stack trace and a link to the file in the repo, can’t find a formaction.php

My mistake… the file is EmailAction.php

/vendor/mzur/kirby-uniform/src/Actions/EmailAction.php on line 112

Looks like you are not using the latest version. And update should fix the issue, because in the latest version, an array is passed as third argument for Kirby 3.6+.

Using mzur/kirby-uniform (v4.3.3) which is the current as far as im aware?

I you look at the code in the repo, the incriminated line is now on line 122. Release v5.0.2 · mzur/kirby-uniform · GitHub

Ah … the docs havent been updated, i followed the steps there which says install version 4 :man_facepalming: