Kirby Template Sugar

Kirby Template Sugar

A lightweight template compiler that adds some syntactic sugar to Kirby’s php templates.

Kirby’s new snippets with slots allow you to adapt a component-based workflow, similar to Laravel blade templates or javascript frameworks like Vue. However, the plain php syntax can be verbose. So with some template sugar you can write this:

<snippet:card @rounded="<? true ?>" class="bg-yellow" id="my-card">
    <h2>Kirby Template Sugar</h2>
    <snippet:link @url="">
      <i>Read more ...</i>

instead of this:

<?php snippet('card', [
  'rounded' => true,
  'attr' => ['class' => 'bg-yellow', 'id' => 'my-card']
], slots: true); ?>
  <?php slot('icon'); ?>🍬<?php endslot(); ?>
  <?php slot('title'); ?>
    <h2>Kirby Template Sugar</h2>
  <?php endslot(); ?>
  <?php slot(); ?>
    <?php snippet('link', ['url' => ''], slots: true); ?>
      <i>Read more ...</i>
    <?php endsnippet(); ?>
  <?php endslot(); ?>
<?php endsnippet(); ?>

How Does It Work

Your template files need to be compiled into regular php, similar to how other template languages work. But the goal of this project is not to create a new full-fledged template language for Kirby. Instead it embraces the existing php templates and just adds a little sugar where they tend to get too messy. You still write php/html (with syntax highlighting, intellisense, …) and add a special <snippet>, <slot> or <layout> tag here and there to keep things tidy.

More infos and examples on the github page :~)