Kirby Sortable Field / Modules Field


On GitHub

Another big update for the modules field. It’s not finished yet but you can already get a good impression of what is possible.
With v2.2.0 I have splitted up the modules field in a more generic field named sortable. The modules field type is still in there and should work exactly like it has before.

What has changed

  • New core field type sortable
  • Own registry for variants (translations), layouts and actions
  • Easily extendable

I have added a demo branch where you can see how it works. Just copy the content of the demo branch into site/plugins/demo and you have your own demo field. For simplicity I only added some english translations.

There are still some things to do but I would be very happy to have some feedback or ideas of what is missing or can be improved.

Sadly there is no real documentation right now. But I am working on that :sweat_smile:.
