Kirby SEO Plugin Installation

Why did you change it when it worked, I guess we are talking about your local setup now?

To see what line caused the setup to break … Yes, this is the local setup. The strange thing is that I reverted the edit, but it’s still broken.

Hm, what exactly does broken mean? What sort of error message?

When I type localhost into the browser, it doesn’t load anything (NS_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED)

Have you tried to throw the file away and create a new one with the original content I posted above?

I have — still no connection. Created a new file, pasted the code, saved, sudo chown www:www .htaccess, sudo chmod 644 .htaccess, sudo apachectl restart— nothing.

And is your localhost working otherwise? NS_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED sounds like Kirby’s .htaccess might actually working, but your localhost server not responding correctly. Have you tested it with a normal PHP script? E.g. phpinfo

You’re right, that doesn’t seem to work either. I created a phpinfo.php file in the root directory, but when I try to access it in the browser (https://localhost/phpinfo.php), I’m getting the same error message as before. It’s odd, because the whole thing did work for a brief moment. After I changed .htaccess, it stopped working.

The only thing tail -f access_log is saying is - - [05/Jun/2024:11:03:46 +0200] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 5185

OK, this thread is getting off topic with my httpd setup issues :slight_smile:

The solution to my original question was to update Kirby to 3.10.0 and PHP to 8.3. The SEO-Plugin works — thanks @tobimori for your work!

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