Kirby Layout and Images

Oh yes of course my bad.

I did correct my mistake. Yet it still doesn’t work :confused:

Tabulations matters with yaml.
One too many in line 13 in home.yml.
Remove line 1 in feedimages.yml and move all your code to the left.

extends: ...

and not :

                extends: ...

And maybe line 4 in your home.yml, so shift all next lines.

which results to Missing field setup in the panel

Sorry, i need to go.
Share all your code please, and i will try to take a look tomorrow.
Or read again the doc and be zen, you are very near… :wink:
Good luck

Thanks a lot for your time!!

If by any you have the chance to take a look tomorrow: Here is all my code

I’ll post if I achieve something tonight :slight_smile:
Thanks again!