Kirby Excerpt Failed on Chinese Character

Hi, I have problem with chinese character. It seems it’s failed on character count.
tried with:

<?php echo str::excerpt( $post->text()->kirbytext(), 200, false); ?>

and still no luck.

Here is the sample text:

弗洛雷斯有许多有趣的村庄.你不仅可以看到当地人如何生活以及邻里之间和访客之间如何互动,还可以看到当地文化是如何保护和保存下来的.你也可以从他们那里学习到如何与自然保持平衡. 一旦你充分了解塔多村(Tado Village),那么你会看到这一切.



塔多村拥有非常丰富的文化.村民在社区里实行生态旅游,经常举办各种文化活动和聚会,包括吟唱祖传歌曲,讲述民间传说或当地故事,以及跳舞.这可能是村民保存本村文化的方式.每一代人都有义务学习所有的歌曲,故事和舞蹈,并传承给下一代.这就不难怪,即使没有现代的技术,这些文化依然可以保存下来.村民拥 有娱乐和创新的源泉,并为他们的文化遗产感到骄傲.然而他们也十分谦虚,欢迎来自各地的游客.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank You.

I think this happens because of line #364

The function looks for the next space after the shortened substring. Seems that the next space after the 200 chars seems to be a bit away…

No it’s not about character length. Put any value and result will be the same.
<?php echo excerpt( $post->text()->kirbytext(), 200); ?>
is not work too.

Well someone have the problem before and seems it’s not resolved yet.

Any suggestion workaround for this one? thank You.

I didn’t say it was about character length. For me the result is different if I test with 100, 200 or 400 chars. But what I said was that the function looks for the next space AFTER 100, 200 or whatever number of characters.

If you replace line 364 with this:

return $chars == 0 ? $string : static::substr($string, 0, $chars) . $rep;

the result should be what you are looking for. Correct me if I’m wrong.

But this requires mb_string to be enabled, of course.

Oh yes thank You. It work like a charm. Really appreciate for Your help.

Please keep in mind that this change will then cut words in other languages right in the middle, so you may want to create a custom function you only use for Chinese or similar languages.

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