Kirby development on Linux

Yeah, right now Ondrej’s repository is the place most people get their fresh PHP packages I’d say. It becomes less of an issue once you have all of the most common versions installed (5.6/7/7.2/7.4), which you can then manage per project with a .php-version file. Symfony Server will pick up the version from that file and launch a local server with that version of PHP. Works smooth as butter once you have it set up.

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ok, glad to hear it’s not going to be a hassle each time! :slight_smile:

I somehow imagine it would be possible to replicate the same logic of the multisite setup on the individual servers, i.e. a structure like:

    kirby -> /srv/www/kirby

…essentially deploying a partial copy of the local tree (only the Kirby folder and the project in question) and setting the WWW root to the domain folder. That way the setup in index.php remains valid in both environments.

But alas, I haven’t tested this myself - the workload related to having to change my deployment flows is the main reason I haven’t changed my current setup and currently still have each site as a complete instance in a separate folder.

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I created a post on Medium, how i setup my webserver in Ubuntu:

But i only have created it in german yet :confused:

The most interesting thing here is, that it fixes the permissions problem. So your linux user will have the permissions to create/move files via terminal or the file explorer without sudo. But this is ONLY for local development!.

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@bruno If you still have the problem valet command not found just add:

# Composer

export PATH=$PATH:~/.composer/vendor/bin

to your .zshrc or .bash_profile file. After that: source .zshrc # or .bash_profile depends on what you are using for a shell on your system. Then restart your terminal and it should work! :).

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It’s already fixed, but think this is what did indeed solve the issue in the end! Thanks :slight_smile:

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Glad you have fix it! :slight_smile:.

Thanks for the tip @Adspectus!

I did try with umask at some point but did not stick with it, cannot remember why. I’ll give it another go!