Kirby API Pages: Plugin to create virtual Pages from external APIs


I am creating posts for my plugins to make it easier to find them using the forum search and not just the docs search.

The API Pages plugin helps you to quickly setup virtual Pages from external APIs. You can define the source URL, optional headers, entry-point and mapping of the query in three different ways:

directly in the blueprint

title: Cats

  query: data.sortBy("coat", "desc")
  template: cat
  # model: cat
  # expire: 60
    title: breed
    # omit or use * to select all
    # content: *
    # select a few by path
      country: country
      origin: origin
      coat: coat
      pattern: pattern

    label: Virtual Pages from CatFacts API
    type: pages
    template: cat
<?php foreach (page('cats')->children() as $cat) { ?>
    <li><a href="<?= $cat->url() ?>"><?= $cat->title() ?></a></li>
<?php } ?>

in a config array


return [
    'bnomei.api-pages.records' => [
        'rickandmorty' => [ // site/models/rickandmorty.php & site/blueprints/pages/rickandmorty.yml
            'url' => '', // string or closure
            'params' => [
                'headers' => function (\Bnomei\APIRecords $records) {
                    // you could add Basic/Bearer Auth within this closure if you needed
                    // or retrieve environment variable with `env()` and use them here
                    return [
                        'Content-Type: application/json',
                'method' => 'POST', // defaults to GET else provide a string or closure
                'data' => json_encode(['query' => '{ characters() { results { name status species }}}']), // string or closure
            'query' => 'data.characters.results', // {"data: [...]}
            'map' => [
                // kirby <=> json
                'title' => 'name',
                'uuid' => fn ($i) => md5($i['name']),
                'template' => fn ($i) => strtolower($i['species']), // site/blueprints/pages/alien.yml || human.yml
                'content' => [
                    'species' => 'species',
                    'hstatus' => 'status', // status is reserved by kirby
    // other options ...

inside the model itself

class SecretsPage extends \Bnomei\APIRecordsPage {
    public function recordsConfig(): array
        return [...]; // same as in the config example