Kirby 4: Setting default values in textarea fields from file metadata?

Is it not possible to set default values for blueprint fields using field values in Kirby 4?


            label: Alternativtext
            type: textarea
            size: small
            default: "{{ file.eichhoernchen }} beim {{ file.aktivitaet }} auf dem {{ file.ort }}"
            help: "<strong>{{ file.eichhoernchen }} beim {{ file.aktivitaet }} auf dem {{ file.ort }}</strong>"

Creates a textarea with the default content “beim auf .” (missing values), while the help field correctly displays “eichhoernchen beim fressen auf dem balkon”.

So it seems that this approach works for the help field, but not for type: textarea. Is there a way to make this work for textarea as well?

So far, queries are not supported in the default prop. We had worked on this but it turned out to be quite complex to implement with the current setup. We have plans to improve this in the future.

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