Some Kirby 3 plugins (this, this, and this, to name three) seem to completely break my site after upgrading to Kirby 3 on my test server. I switched out my own site for a fresh Kirby 3 starterkit, and the same thing happens. No content loads and no error page is served.
Error logs tell me the problem is along the lines of Failed opening required '/MAMP/mysite/site/plugins/kirby3-htmlhead/vendor/autoload.php'.
This seems like it should be obvious, but can someone tell me what am I missing?
How did you install these plugins, at least one of the above requires you to have composer installed? That’s why, if you haven’t invoked composer, the vendor folder will be missing and thus the autoload.php.
Duh. Yes. Sorry to complicate things. I’m not using Composer—just dropping folders into /site/plugins/. Even for the plugins that don’t require Composer, I’m still having the error. Kirby 3 HTMLHead is the original plugin I tried installing—and it doesn’t require Composer.
Is there a vendor folder in what you downloaded? You have to download the version of the plugin linked in the second line of the installation instructions, that comes with the vendor folder.
I totally missed the distinction that the link there was a separate, different file. Thanks for pointing that out. Apologies for asking this dumb question!
No problem, it can be confusing with these different ways to set stuff up. Maybe the plugin devs could invest a bit more time to make things more obvious, but they have done an amazing job with creating all these plugins, so let’s give them some more time to improve the documentation, as we ourselves have to continue removing errors and clarifying stuff in our Kirby documentation.