Is there no callback in panel views like in dialogs?


we would like to have a panel view form which ist submitting the Data. But unlike in Dialogs it seems views have no callback functionality right?

the dialog is looking like that and working

'create' => [
        'pattern' => 'articles/create',
        'load' => function () use ($fieldDefinitions) {
            return [
                'component' => 'k-form-dialog',
                'props' => [
                    'fields' => $fieldDefinitions['articleBasic'],
        'submit' => function () {
            try {

                return true;
            } catch (Throwable $e) {
                return false;

the view is looking like that but submit, save or update is not working

'article-detail' => [
        'pattern' => 'articles/(:any)',
        'action' => function (int $id) use ($fieldDefinitions) {
            $article = \DoconoShop\Models\Article::find($id);

            return [
                'component' => 'd-article-details',
                'props' => [
                    'article' => $article->toArray(),
                    'fields' => $fieldDefinitions['articleExtended']
                'breadcrumb' =>
                    function () use ($article) {
                        return [
                                'label' => $article->name,
                                'url' => '/articles/' . $article->id
        'submit' => function (int $id) {
        'save' => function (int $id) {
        'update' => function (int $id) {

any suggestions?

thanks in advance! :heart_hands:

It’s correct that these are features currently not implemented. Views only have the action callback from which the view gets rendered.

Please feel free to add it as a feature request on