A little question: Is it possible to use Kirby icons in info fields? I like to use info fields to explain functions in the panel. If I write there: “Click on the ‘open’ button to see the page in the frontend”, it would be helpful to also show the button visually.
You could throw the html in or use a custom kirbytag.
Thanks for the tip. I wasn’t brave enough to use HTML code. That works fine, but how do I get rid of the wrap? Is there a Kirby CSS class so that the icon floats in the text?
label: false
type: info
theme: passive
text: |
Platzhalter sind praktische Abkürzungen für sich wiederholende Texte, <span class="k-button-icon"><svg aria-hidden="true" data-type="open" class="k-icon"><use xlink:href="#icon-open"></use></svg></span> Adressen, Telefonnummern, Namen usw. Vermeiden Sie Wiederholungen häufig genutzter Inhalte, indem Sie stattdessen ein kurzes Schlüsselwort einfügen...
Styling maybe?
i fixed it with the following code.
.k-info-field .k-icon svg {
display: inline;
and changed
<span class="k-button-icon">
<span class="k-icon">
This removed the wrap, but the icon was too big and was not centered on the line height.
I was able to solve it this way:
span.my-panel-icon.k-button-icon {
display: inline-flex;
align-self: center;
span.my-panel-icon.k-button-icon svg {
span.my-panel-icon.k-button-icon svg {
top: .125em;
position: relative;
label: false
type: info
theme: passive
text: |
Das <span class="my-panel-icon k-button-icon"><svg class="k-icon"><use xlink:href="#icon-grid"></use></svg></span> Dashboard ist die Steuerungszentrale dieser Website....
Here’s a good example, how to align SVG icons: https://codepen.io/elliotdahl/pen/ygYrvm
I stumbled upon this thread because I was searching for a solution to add an icon at the beginning of the info text and I fund out that this is possible by default.
type: info
theme: info
text: This is a text about mails
icon: email
Just for the record, in case anyone else ist looking for this …