Is there any reason? Should I create an kirby idea?
Because when the slug of the page changes, the relationship breaks.
I need to disable the slug change so that the relationship does not break.
But slug change disabling not good for multi-language.
I want to create a fixed field and link the relationship to this field like autoId
Trying to find if there is one for the pages/files field. Can’t find anything… Currently, the only alternative is using a select/multiselect field to be able to use the AutoID feature.
Any news on this? I’m just asking, becaus this idea seems to have been on High Prio list for a while now.
The reason I tried using the more complex query and adding audoID as value is, that when I change the filename of i.e. an image, when I go back to the panel for the page itself, I have to re-select the image, because the file-field stores the image-name as value.
Or is there any other (simple or kirby-core) solution to this that I missed?
No, this is not yet implemented. As I mentioned above, your only alternative are other select type fields: select, multiselect, checkboxes and maybe the relationship plugin. Or of course a custom field based on the files field that implements this feature.