This is more a statement than a question. I found the solution already.
I have a website running for years on Kirby 2; now I am on rewriting it to Kirby 3. The (image: …) tag places an image of the current page, see (image: …) | Kirby CMS
That means my content .txt file as well as the image itself are in the same content folder. Some of my images have a mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and dashes rsp. underscores, and a lowercase .jpg suffix.
Some of my content .txt files contain image names with all lowercase letters, while the .jpg files may also contain uppercase letters. Example:
(image: ism-1100_400.jpg width: 400 alt: Abbildung ISM-1100)
while the exact file name beeing
No problem at all for Kirby 2.
In Kirby 3 I noticed some of my images missing. The HTML reference points to
<figure><img alt="Abbildung ISM-1100" src="http://apollo1/kirby3/ism-1100_400.jpg" width="400"></figure>
where //apollo1/kirby3/ is the root of my local server.
Those working images point to something like
<figure><img alt="Abbildung ISM-1000" src="http://apollo1/kirby3/media/pages/produkte/hochleistungslichtschranken/ism/ism1000/fea5b859e2-1616511427/ISM-1000_400.jpg" width="400"></figure>
in the media folder. I need to name all the (image:…) tags to the exact uppercase/lowercase conformity with the .jpg file names.
Is that a new feature to K3?
Is there a way to make the (image:…) tag case-insensitive again?
Thank you.
PS: My local server is Apache on Windows. The production server is something completely different, I did not test it already.