iFrame Kirby tag not outputting correctly

I want to create an iFrame kirbytag that takes a caption however I cannot get it to work the text is kirbytext is output in a <p></p> tag.

kirbytext::$tags['iframe'] = array(
    'attr' => array(
    'html' => function($tag) {
        $url	 = $tag->attr('iframe');
        $height  = $tag->attr('height', '100px');
        $caption = $tag->attr('caption');

        if(!empty($caption)) {
            $figurecaption = '<figcaption>' . escape::html($caption) . '</figcaption>';
        } else {
            $figcaption = null;
        return '<figure><iframe style="width:100%; height:' . $height . '" src="' . $url . '"></iframe>' . $figcaption . '</figure>';    

In my kirbytext I added:

(iframe: https://framer.cloud/Rxxx/ height:600px caption:Testing)

It works fine without the caption but not with. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You are using the wrong variable here, should be

$figcaption = '<figcaption>' . escape::html($caption) . '</figcaption>';

Otherwise your $figcaption in the return statement will be undefined.