If I don't type anything in url blueprint, I hope a href does not work at the front end

If I don’t type anything in url blueprint, I hope a href does not work at the front end. What and how can I write in blueprints for that?

<a href="<?= $playlist->url() ?>" target="_blank">

Could you please rephrase and add some context?

When a user writes url, the site is moved to url.
There’s no problem here.

But I don’t want to be moved to url when the user doesn’t write url.

Is this possible? What can I do if possible?

You can use an if statement to check if the field is empty

<?php if ( $page->content()->get('url')->isNotEmpty()) : ?>
<a href="<?= $playlist->content()->get('url') ?>" target="_blank">
<?php endif; ?>

Note that url() is a native Kirby method, so if your field is called url, you have to fetch it via the content() method, otherwise you will get the page url and not the url entered into that field.