How to use block/image.php for the gallery block?

I want to use the blocks/image.php for the gallery as well but I cannot make it work.
This is my code of the snippets/blocks/gallery.php:

<?php /** @var \Kirby\Cms\Block $block */ ?>

    <?php foreach ($block->images()->toFiles() as $blockimage): ?>
        <?php snippet('blocks/image', ['block' => 'blockimage']) ?>
    <?php endforeach ?>

and this is the snippets/blocks/image.php:


$alt      = $block->alt();
$caption  = $block->caption();
$contain  = $block->crop()->isFalse();
$link     = $block->link();
$ratio    = $block->ratio()->or('auto');
$class    = $ratio != 'auto' ? 'img' : 'auto';
$src      = null;
/*$lightbox = $link->isEmpty();*/

if ($block->location() == 'web') {
    $src = $block->src();
} elseif ($image = $block->image()->toFile()) {
    $alt = $alt ?? $image->alt();
    $src = $image->url();

$lightbox = $src;

if ($ratio !== 'auto') {
  $ratio = Str::split($ratio, '/');
  $w = $ratio[0] ?? 1;
  $h = $ratio[1] ?? 1;

$attrs = attr([
  'class'         => $class . ' flex justify-center',
  'data-contain'  => $contain,
  'data-lightbox' => $lightbox,
  'href'          => $src, /* ->or($src) */
  'style'         => '--w:' . $w . '; --h:' . $h,

<?php if ($src): ?>
<figure class="!my-0 !py-0">
  <a <?= $attrs ?>>
  ​  <picture>
    <!-- <source srcset="<?= $image->thumb(['width'   => 512, 'quality' => 48, 'format' => 'avif'])->url() ?> 512w, <?= $image->thumb(['width'   => 1024, 'quality' => 48, 'format' => 'avif'])->url() ?> 1024w, <?= $image->thumb(['width'   => 1536, 'quality' => 48, 'format' => 'avif'])->url() ?> 1536w, <?= $image->thumb(['width'   => 2048, 'quality' => 48, 'format' => 'avif'])->url() ?> 2048w" sizes="(max-width: 767px) calc(0.8 * 100vw), calc(0.61 * 100vw)" type="image/avif"> -->
    <source srcset="<?= $image->thumb(['width'   => 512, 'quality' => 55, 'format' => 'webp'])->url() ?> 512w, <?= $image->thumb(['width'   => 1024, 'quality' => 55, 'format' => 'webp'])->url() ?> 1024w, <?= $image->thumb(['width'   => 1536, 'quality' => 55, 'format' => 'webp'])->url() ?> 1536w, <?= $image->thumb(['width'   => 2048, 'quality' => 55, 'format' => 'webp'])->url() ?> 2048w" sizes="(max-width: 767px) calc(0.8 * 100vw), calc(0.61 * 100vw)" type="image/webp">
    <img src="<?= $src ?>" height="<?= $h ?>" width="<?= $w ?>" alt="<?= $alt ?>" class="!my-1"  style="margin-top: 0;" srcset="<?= $image->thumb(['width'   => 512, 'quality' => 50])->url() ?> 512w, <?= $image->thumb(['width'   => 1024, 'quality' => 50])->url() ?> 1024w, <?= $image->thumb(['width'   => 1536, 'quality' => 50])->url() ?> 1536w, <?= $image->thumb(['width'   => 2048, 'quality' => 50])->url() ?> 2048w" decoding="async" loading="lazy" style="background-size: cover; background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg xmlns=\'http%3A//\' xmlns%3Axlink=\'http%3A//\' viewBox=\'0 0 1280 853\'%3E%3Cfilter id=\'b\' color-interpolation-filters=\'sRGB\'%3E%3CfeGaussianBlur stdDeviation=\'.5\'%3E%3C/feGaussianBlur%3E%3CfeComponentTransfer%3E%3CfeFuncA type=\'discrete\' tableValues=\'1 1\'%3E%3C/feFuncA%3E%3C/feComponentTransfer%3E%3C/filter%3E%3Cimage filter=\'url(%23b)\' x=\'0\' y=\'0\' height=\'100%25\' width=\'100%25\' xlink%3Ahref=\'data%3Aimage/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAkAAAAGCAIAAACepSOSAAAACXBIWXMAAC4jAAAuIwF4pT92AAAAs0lEQVQI1wGoAFf/AImSoJSer5yjs52ktp2luJuluKOpuJefsoCNowB+kKaOm66grL+krsCnsMGrt8m1u8mzt8OVoLIAhJqzjZ2tnLLLnLHJp7fNmpyjqbPCqLrRjqO7AIeUn5ultaWtt56msaSnroZyY4mBgLq7wY6TmwCRfk2Pf1uzm2WulV+xmV6rmGyQfFm3nWSBcEIAfm46jX1FkH5Djn5AmodGo49MopBLlIRBfG8yj/dfjF5frTUAAAAASUVORK5CYII=\'%3E%3C/image%3E%3C/svg%3E'); ">

  <?php if ($caption->isNotEmpty()): ?>
  <a href="<?= $link ?>" class="nomark">
  <figcaption class="img-caption inline-block text-center !my-0 !py-0">
    <?= $caption ?>
  <?php endif ?>
<?php endif ?>

You have to pass the variable, not the string blockimage:

<?php snippet('blocks/image', ['block' => $blockimage]) ?>

Then I get this error in the template:

Block error: “Too few arguments to function Kirby\Cms\File::crop(), 0 passed in /var/www/virtual/peleke7/ on line 18 and at least 1 expected” in block type: “gallery”

Well, you are only passing a blockimage, while the snippet expects a block

Can it work like this?

<?php foreach ($blocks as $block): ?>
    <?php snippet('blocks/image', ['block' => $block]) ?>
<?php endforeach ?>

What is $blocks in your example?

I am just confused what to use in the foreach statement if I need to pass the whole $block variable to the image snippet.

Somehow to me reusing the image snippet for the gallery doesn’t make sense because the field names are different. At least without making changes to the inage block snippet

Yeah, you are right.
Then I only have to figure out how to create a flexible gallery view that fits to two - many images as my current approach is tied to fixed columns which is not good for a dynamic gallery element:

<?php /** @var \Kirby\Cms\Block $block */ ?>

<div class="justify-content mx-auto space-y-2 lg:space-y-0 lg:gap-2 lg:grid lg:grid-cols-2">
    <?php foreach ($block->images()->toFiles() as $image): ?>
    <div class="w-full rounded">
        <?= $image ?>
    <?php endforeach ?>