How to query a structure field to checkboxes

I have a structure field on one blueprint like this:

    label: Services
    type: structure
        label: Service
        type: text

and want to query it in another blueprint as a checkbox list. What do i have to add in the query to get the ‘services’ fields as checkboxes?

    label: Category
    type: checkboxes
    options: query
    query: site.children.template('services')

In which page is that structure field?

It is documented here: under “Options from structure field”

The structure field is on a different page than the one where i want to create the checkbox list

Well, that’s why I was asking, you have to indicate the page:

    fetch: site.find('the-page-with-the-structure-field').services.toStructure
    text: "{{ structureItem.platform }}"
    value: "{{ structureItem.platform }}"

It’s weird. site.find('my-page') does not work with or without the additional .services.toStructure. doesn’t matter what of my pages i put in there. site.children.template('my-template') gives me the pages i want to fetch. But when I add .services.toStructure like this:

    fetch: site.children.template('services').services.toStructure
    text: "{{ structureItem.platform }}"
    value: "{{ structureItem.platform }}"

it does not work either… Is it possible that site.find() simply does not work here and is it possible that i cannot fetch multiple templates?

You want to fetch a field, so you need a single page, but site.children.template('whatever') gives you a (filtered) collection (even if only one page with that template exists). And you just can’t call a field on a collection.

Is your subfield in the structure really called platform?

This here refers to a field that is present in your structure item, in this case platform but you have to change this depending on your field names.

yes it is called platform.

Well, I do know that it works, for example, if I put this into any blueprint in a Starterkit:

    label: Category
    type: checkboxes
    options: query
        fetch: site.find('about').social.toStructure
        text: "{{ structureItem.platform }}"
        value: "{{ structureItem.platform }}"

It will query the about’s page social field.

And render this:

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I am having a similar problem and have tried to simplify the blueprint as much as possible but am still having issues. I have a series of pages that use the research-nugget blueprint. For testing, I have put the structure field in the same blueprint as the one I want to query. It queries that structure field on sibling pages. Here is part of my research-nugget.yml blueprint:


    type: textarea

    label: Related publications
    type: multiselect
    options: query
      # fetch: page.siblings.template("research-nugget")
      # text: "{{ page.title }}"
      # value: "{{ page.uid }}"
      fetch: page.siblings.template("research-nugget").papers.toStructure
      text: "{{ structureItem.title }}"
      value: "{{ structureItem.year }}"

    type: structure
        type: text
        type: number

In the code above, if I query the the sibling page itself (the part that is commented out) it works fine. But when I try to query the structure field, this is the error I get:

I am running Kirby 3.5. I have tried to troubleshoot this for awhile, reducing it to its simplest essence, and still have no luck. What am I missing?



Hi there,

Any follow up on this?

I have exactly the same issue with multiselect field query on

Any ideas on what’s happening?


The problem in this thread is that people tried to fetch the field from a collection, which is just not possible, because it is wrong syntax (ie. that code wouldn’t work in a template either).

What you would have to do (if that’s what you want to do), is create a single structure object from these pages and then use that in the query.

Thank you and you’re right, I think I’ve managed to figure out.


I want to do similar thing, but display structure field as structure field. The goal is to show options for product, so that client could add new fields himself from panel.

I imagine something like this, but nothing works:

            type: structure
            fields: query
              fetch: site.find('catalog').foptions.toStructure
                  type: text
                  default: "{{ structureItem.title }}"
                  type: text
                  default: "{{ structureItem.measure }}"

Or in other words, the goal is to repeat structure field on other pages, so that there is pre-populated structure field on every product blueprint page.

i do not think structures support dynamic fields via a query via yaml.

but i guess you could solve that via a programmable blueprint

The only way to achieve this would be via programmable blueprints, as @bnomei just added. This only works if the fields are defined in a fixed page or in the site.