How to find documentation for Remote::get()?


I found out Kirby 3 provides a nice utility class called Remote. This class is very useful for my hook. I tried to find documentation about it and at the end, I found it but I think I’m searching wrong:

How to find this page via the search?

I did this:

  1. check the main page search and references with a term like Remote::, Remote::get (with and without ()) and even $remote and I just found newsletter and pages where the function is used like cookbook or guide but no reference to the real docs.
  2. Looked up the source code of kirby 3 on Github and found out that it’s part of Kirby\http and then clicked on Remote and then I got the docs for the get function.

So am I searching wrong or isn’t this properly indexed? I feel stupid.

Best Regards,

I think the advanced stuff is probably not indexed. It might be intentional. Please open an issue in the repo.

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Thanks! I will do open an issue tomorrow.