I know it is not always easy, but it would be great if you would be more specific when explaining a problem. You don’t answer my questions. Maybe my English is not great and you don’t understand me. But currently, we are not getting anywhere.
// get the children of the outdoor page
$productTypes= $page->children()->listed();
<!-- loop through the children -->
<?php foreach ($productTypes as $producttype): ?>
<!-- foreach child, fetch its subpages -->
<?php $products = $producttype->children()->listed(); ?>
<!-- loop through the subpages -->
<?php foreach ($products as $product): ?>
<!-- check if there is an image and output it -->
<?php if ($image = $product->images()->first()) : ?>
<?= $image->crop(440, 380) ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
I have some subpages with some images. The editor can sort the images in the panel like they want. On these subpages the images are shown in the correct order, but not on the overview page. I want that the first image of that sorting is shown on the overview page.
It would probably makes sense to add a file blueprint to only allow image uploads. Currently, your users can upload any type of file (allowed by Kirby).