The type can be one of audio , code , document , image and video.
I guess you would choose code or video.
In your file blueprint, having both mime and extension as options causes the panel to show a “file open” dialog which accepts all the file extensions the browser knows as application/json (those would probably only be .json files), so the browser wouldn’t allow you to select .lottie files.
This allows the browser to select any files (.lottie, and everything else, included), and on upload it’s verified if it’s actually a .lottie file (an error would be shown otherwise).
It’s not ideal, and there is currently some work underway to make this better. In future versions, you will probably be able to upload custom file formats simply by writing:
.lottie files are actually just zip-files with a different extension. For my last project for Brückner+Brückner I could simply add mime: application/zip and that worked.
fyi, as far as I know, this doesn’t work on Windows. Windows uses only the file extension to determine the file type. So if you write accept: application/zip only files ending in .zip will be selectable.
MacOs also keeps other metadata for files (like the mime type of downloaded files, or creator codes when generating files locally). While Linux sniffs the content.
That’s probably why it worked for you.