How do I display an entry order number next to my blog post title?

I’ve been searching for a way to simply display the order of entry number for my journal (blog) but cannot find a solution. I have about 50 journal entries right now and want to output the number of the entry right next to its title. These entries are sorted from newest to oldest.

Attached is a screenshot of my design that will hopefully explain things better. In it, I have the entries starting with 03 and working their way down to 02, 01. etc:

I have my content folder for the journal structured like this “content > 1-journal > 1-entry-title” and then down the line, like “content > 1-journal > 2-entry-title” so I believe this will work, at least from that perspective.

Any ideas or suggestions for how I could do this?



Hi @geofharries,


<?php echo $page->num() ?>

you can get the sorting number of a page. If you like a zero in front of the number, you would have to prepend it.

You could use str_pad() to achieve this.

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Fantastic. Worked first try. Thanks so much for your help!