How can I get images url from Kirby Images Plugins in Structures

label: Add Slide
type: structure
entry: >
  {{title}} <br/> {{text}}
    label: Slide Title
    type: textarea
    label: Slide Description
    type: textarea
    label: Slide Background Image
    type: image
    label: Button Name
    type: text
    width: 1/3
    label: Button Link
    type: url
    width: 2/3
    label:       Slideshow
    type:        images

<?php foreach($module->slider()->toStructure() as $slide): ?>
  	<?php if($sliderimage = $slide->bgimage()->toFile()): ?>
    <div style="background-image: url('<?= $sliderimage->url() ?>')" class="action-slider__slide action-slider__slide--google">
      <div class="action-slider__slide-wrapper container">
        <div class="action-slider__info">
          <?php if(!$slide->title()->empty()): ?>
          <div class="action-slider__caption"><span><?= $slide->title()->kirbytextRaw() ?></span> </div>
          <?php endif ?>
          <?php if(!$slide->text()->empty()): ?>
          <div class="action-slider__description"><?= $slide->text()->kirbytextRaw() ?> </div>
          <?php endif ?>

          <?php if(!$slide->buttonname()->empty()): ?>
          <a href="<?= $slide->buttonlink()->html() ?>" class="action-slider__btn"><?= $slide->buttonname()->html() ?></a>
          <?php endif ?>
        <div id="parallax-7" class="action-slider__parallax">
          <div class="action-slider__img-group">

          <?php foreach($slide->parallaximages()->yaml() as $image): ?>
          	<?php if($img = $slide->image($image)): ?>
			<div data-depth=".18" class="action-slider__img-holder action-slider__img-holder--1 layer">
				<img src="<?= $img->url() ?>" alt="" class="action-slider__img">
			 <?php endif ?>
			<?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php endif ?>
    <?php endforeach ?>

If the above doesn’t work, try:

<?php if($sliderimage = $module->image($slide->bgimage()): ?>

Hey Texnixe
Than you so much for your answer
My problem with that;

<?php foreach($slide->parallaximages()->yaml() as $image): ?>
<?php if($img = $slide->image($image)): ?>

<div data-depth=".18" class="action-slider__img-holder action-slider__img-holder--1 layer">
      <img src="<?= $img->url() ?>" alt="" class="action-slider__img">
<?php endif ?>
   <?php endforeach; ?>

Slideshow in mean parallaximages…
I can get background images but i cannot get other images

What plugin is that?

Kirby Images

Ok, still, try to get the image via the module:

<?php if($img = $module->image($image)): ?>

Wow men… I am really stupid :frowning:
Thank you so much. It works