Hide block preview field if empty

I have a K-writer feild in my block preview (in index.js)

      class="text-tint1 mono  k-writer  k-block-type-text-input"
        @input="update({ header: $event })"

How do I only show this field if it has been filled out?

Use v-if to show the component conditionally.

      class="text-tint1 mono  k-writer  k-block-type-text-input"
        @input="update({ header: $event })"

However, since you would usually use a writer field in your preview so that the user can enter content without having to open the drawer, this seems a bit weird. To only display the contents of this field, you don’t need the writer component?

thanks! it works for this as it’s an option you setup when you add a block