Help about Kirby Table

<?php echo '<td style="width: ' . ($cell['cell_span'] / $cell_total) * 100 . '%" colspan="' . $cell['cell_span'] . '" class="' . echo $cell['cellclass'] . '">' . kirbytext($cell['cell_content']) . '</td>'; ?>

How can I take cell_class value in td?

You used an “echo” too much I think.

<?php echo '<td style="width: ' . ($cell['cell_span'] / $cell_total) * 100 . '%" colspan="' . $cell['cell_span'] . '" class="' . $cell['cellclass'] . '">' . kirbytext($cell['cell_content']) . '</td>'; ?>

I recommend not to echo HTML tags anyway. Your code will look much cleaner, is easier to understand and less error prone, if you just echo your content within the tags. You also might have a typo, “cellclass” or “cell_class”?

<td style="width:<?= ($cell['cell_span'] / $cell_total) * 100 ?>%" colspan="<?= $cell['cell_span'] ?>" class="<?= $cell['cell_class'] ?>">
  <?= kirbytext($cell['cell_content']) ?>
<?php $cells = yaml($page->table());if (count($cells)): ?>

					  $cell_spanned = 0;
					  $cell_ini = 0;
					<?php foreach($cells as $cell): ?>
						    if($cell_spanned < 1) {
						      echo '<tr>';
						    if($cell_ini == 1) {
						      $cell_total = $cell['cell_total'];
						    $cell_spanned += $cell['cell_span'];

					    <td style="width:<?= ($cell['cell_span'] / $cell_total) * 100 ?>%" colspan="<?= $cell['cell_span'] ?>" class="<?= $cell['cell_class'] ?>">
					    <?= kirbytext($cell['cell_content']) ?></td>
					    if($cell_spanned == $cell_total) {
					      echo '</tr>';
					      $cell_spanned = 0;

					<?php endforeach ?>

<?php endif; ?>

Thank you so much Texnixe

my class: cell_class

I got this error: Undefined index: cell_class

I forgot something?

Well, then the field is not called cell_class but something else… My crystal ball doesn’t tell me what’s in your blueprint or text file…


    label: Bir Tablo Oluştur
    type: snippetfield
    style: items
    snippet: panel/table
    modalsize: large
        label: Hücre - Toplam
        type: number
        icon: calculator
        required: true
        width: 1/2
        help: her sıradaki maks. hücre
        label: Hücre - Birleştir
        type: number
        icon: calculator
        required: true
        width: 1/2
        help: birleştirilecek hücre sayısı
        label: Hücre - İçerik
        type: textarea
        label: Cell - Class
        type: text
        icon: code
        width: 1/1
        help: this cell's classname

Thank you so much for helping

What was the problem after all? The key seems to have been correct?

Seems like there’s an empty cell_class field somewhere.

Instead of …

<td class="<?= $cell['cell_class'] ?>">…</td>

… you try to use e

<td class="<?php e(isset($cell['cell_class']),$cell['cell_class']); ?>">…</td>

Hm, an empty value wouldn’t throw the missing key error, though. Unless the fieldname was missing from the file as well (when manually editing, because when editing via the Panel, all keys are added).

Oh yes, you’re right. But obviously there’s a missing key?! :confused:

So it seems. When editing manually, it would make sense to use e() helper as you suggested.

Or better still anyway, use the toStructure() method instead of yaml(). It doesn’t throw an error if the key field doesn’t exist.

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Yepppp The key was not correct :slight_smile:

Now it works fine

				  $cell_spanned = 0;
				  $cell_ini = 0;
				<?php foreach($cells as $cell): ?>
					    if($cell_spanned < 1) {
					      echo '<tr>';
					    if($cell_ini == 1) {
					      $cell_total = $cell['cell_total'];
					    $cell_spanned += $cell['cell_span'];

				    <td style="width:<?= ($cell['cell_span'] / $cell_total) * 100 ?>%" colspan="<?= $cell['cell_span'] ?>" class="<?= $cell['cell_class'] ?>">
					  <?= kirbytext($cell['cell_content']) ?>
				    if($cell_spanned == $cell_total) {
				      echo '</tr>';
				      $cell_spanned = 0;

				<?php endforeach ?>
