Grunt, Gulp, Sass, Sublime, Coda, MAMP, FirefoxDeveloperEdition, Git, etc

I love reading lists like these as it always inspire me to find new tools/methods.

My current set-up is as follows:


  • iMac 27 Retina 5k (32 gb ram, 1tb ssd)
  • Macbook Pro 13", late 2012 (8 gb ram, 512gb ssd)
  • iPad 4 Retina / iPhone 6 / Samsung S4 - all mainly for testing
  • A couple of laptops running Win7, Linux Mint, Ubuntu & Crunchbang, also for testing things


  • Vagrant (via virtualbox) running dev servers, in my case most often Ubuntu Server, nginx, php5-fpm etc
  • Grunt as a task runner, mainly for compiling SCSS (Bourbon, Susy as well), concatenate JS, minification, basic image edits etc
  • CodeKit for when I donā€™t use Grunt (depending on project and colleagues)
  • Brackets (+ some really nice extensions) is my current main editor
  • I struggle to run a command-line without zsh these days so guess I should list it too
  • Transmit for the few times I actually FTP these days
  • GitHub
  • Dropbox

  • Photoshop
  • Lightroom
  • TypeKit

  • Main browser for surfing: Chrome
  • Main browser for dev stuff: Firefox
  • Testing in the usual suspects (Safari, IE, mobile devices)

  • Evernote for notes, planning, content, to-do etc (went all in, only way it makes sense) + Gneo
  • Slack for communication updates from team
  • Dash for reading documentation on things
  • Gmail for most e-mail things

Other Services

  • Digital Ocean
  • Rackspace Cloud Servers
  • Amazon AWS
  • Arq (backups of my Macbook Pro to AWS) - I use an Airport Time Capsule for iMac atmo

For my deployments I most often use (SSL) webhooks on GitHub which deploys to different servers depending on GitHub branches so havenā€™t really seen the need for external deployment services just yet, though I might get there some day. :slight_smile:

Hey folks!

  • MacBook Pro 15" Retina, Late 2013, 16GB RAM, i7, 500GB SSD
  • Cinema Display 27"
  • iPhone 6
  • iPad 4 Retina
  • Couple of external harddrives of course, the most important one: TimeCapsule with 2TB for backups.
  • Some old brother printer for clients who insist on invoices on paperā€¦
  • Mac OS X Yosemite
  • VirtualBox and Windows 7 for testing and taxes
  • Apple Mail for mailing ā€“ this used to change quite often in the past, still not 100% comfortable with Mail, but for me the best solution out there
  • A weird combination of Fantastical 2 (awesome) and Wunderlist (even more awesome) for managing dates and to-dos (not the combination it self is weird, but the way Iā€™m using those two)
  • Dropbox and ownCloud for file sharing and cloud storage
  • Adobe CC with Typekit subscription for designing
  • SublimeText 2 for coding
  • CodeKit for preprocessing, minification and that kind of stuff
  • Transmit as FTP client
  • Tower as Git-client
  • MAMP Pro for several local servers
  • Of course all kind of different browsers, but for usual surfing Iā€™m still used to Safari
  • Numbers for all number-related stuff as ā€œpreparation toolā€ (e.g. invoices, calculations, taxes etc.)
  • Fluid for some better web apps
  • Spotify subscription for a nicer working atmosphereā€¦
  • Bartender for keeping my menubar clean ā€“ canā€™t understand why it is so unknown (or at least why I donā€™t see it more often)
  • SCSS as preprocessor without any other dependencies or frameworks (like compass, inuit.css or thinks like that)
  • Wordpress as my main CMS ā€¦ oh wait ā€¦ :wink:

13" MacBook Air - Mid 2012
250 GB SSD

OSX: Yosemite
Languages: HTML, CSS, JS, PHP
Editors: PHPStorm, WebStorm, Sublime Text 3
Preprocessor: grunt
Design: Adobe Tools
Documentation: YUI Docs
Terminal: Terminal with ZSH
Git Hosting: BitBucket, github
Git Client: SourceTree
Diff Tool: Kaleidoscope
Local Server: MAMP, VB
Default Browser: Chrome
Project Managment: Attask
Hosting: is secret :smile:
Others: 1Password 5, Transmit

Another odd PC user for the mixā€¦

HP laptop with Windows 8.1 Pro
23in monitor
Surface Pro

Software, developing:
Visual Studio (for .NET work)
Postman for Chrome
Composer, Bower, Nuget, NPM, Gulp (learning)

Software, utility:
Beyond Compare

Software, time/task management:
Rescue Time

Software, other:
Creative Suite

As Iā€™ve been doing more and more work in Terminal, I thought Iā€™d share a couple scripts that are helpful for my workflow.

Iā€™m not going to list my whole suite of tools except for those that give these scripts a bit of context -

  • I use the PHP built into Mac OS X,
  • Compass for SASS preprocessing
  • git-ftp for deployment (backed up with Transmit - git-ftp doesnā€™t support submodules so I do that manually for now)

This is in my .bash_profile, and saves me the five extra seconds it takes to cd to the project in two terminal windows and have the second one initialize compass.

start () {
	if [ "$1" ]
		compass="cd ~/Sites/$1/assets; compass watch"
		osascript <<EOD
 tell application "Terminal" to do script "$compass"
		cd ~/Sites/$1
		git status
	  echo "Specify a project"

This is a shell script for initializing a new kirby project.

$ sh newsite

I clone the plainkit, remove the origin to detach it, add submodules, and make some changes to Kirbyā€™s defaults by overwriting them with files my init folder (my customized plainkit, essentially) - this includes some SASS stuff, a copy of a .git-ftp script (below).

Finally, it opens my hosts and httpd-vhosts.conf files where I manually type in the new local url (I suppose there is a way to do this in the script but I wanted to be a bit more careful with system files)


if [ "$1" ]
git clone --recursive $1
cd $1
git remote rm origin

# Add submodules
git submodule add site/fields/selector

# Make required folders
mkdir thumbs assets/avatars site/accounts ~working

# Replace defaults with preferred setup, add SCSS, and scripts

rm -rf site/snippets site/templates 	# remove site snippets & templates
rsync -rtv ../init/ .    				# Add SCSS, scripts, preferred default templates

# replace sublime project with sitename

mv ~working/init.sublime-project ~working/$1.sublime-project

# replace push script with new sitename
sed -i '' "s/sitename/${1}/g" 

# Make initial commit

git add --all
git commit -mv "Initial Commit"

# Open apache files
subl /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/private/etc/hosts
read -p "Restart Apache [press enter]"
sudo apachectl restart

open ~working/$1.sublime-project
	echo "Specify a target directory"

Lastly, my git-ftp and updating kirby scripts:


if [ "$1" = "init" ]
  git ftp init --user <my username> --passwd <my password> --verbose ftp://<subdomain URL>
  git ftp push --user <my username> --passwd <my password> --verbose ftp://<subdomain URL>

git submodule foreach --recursive git checkout master
git submodule foreach --recursive git pull

git add -A
git commit -am "Kirby Update"


  • MacBook Pro 13" 2011
  • 8GB RAM
  • 250GB SSD

Sublime Text 3:

  • Plugins:
  • Bracket Highlighter
  • Color Picker
  • Emmet
  • GitGutter
  • HTML5
  • SideBarEnhancements
  • SideBarFolders
  • SublimeLinter (php&scss)
  • Theme:
    • UI: El Capitan
    • Color: Tomorrow Night Eighties
  • Config:
      "auto_complete_commit_on_tab": true,
      "bold_folder_labels": false,
      "color_scheme": "Packages/User/SublimeLinter/Tomorrow-Night-Eighties (SL).tmTheme",
      "dictionary": "Packages/User/dictionaries/German.dic",
      "ensure_newline_at_eof_on_save": true,
      "fade_fold_buttons": false,
      "font_face": "Source Code Pro",
      "font_size": 13,
      "highlight_line": true,
      "highlight_modified_tabs": true,
      "line_padding_bottom": 1,
      "line_padding_top": 1,
      "spell_check": false,
      "tab_size": 2,
      "theme": "El Capitan.sublime-theme",
      "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true,
      "trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true,
      "word_wrap": true

Development Environment:

  • Grunt (regular plugins):

    • grunt-autoprefixer
    • grunt-bower-concat
    • grunt-contrib-clean
    • grunt-contrib-copy
    • grunt-contrib-cssmin
    • grunt-contrib-uglify
    • grunt-contrib-watch
    • grunt-processhtml
    • grunt-sass
    • load-grunt-tasks
  • Apache, PHP, MySQL and DNSMasq via Homebrew

  • Bower

  • git and sourcetree

  • Git on the command line for version control and deployment
    • 3 repos per project: a hub (or origin) hosted on BitBucket; a local repo, and a production repo
    • This lets me make changes on the production server, i.e. via panel, without worrying about messing up a bare repo. Changes can go local->hub->production or production->hub->local
  • Sublime Text for code editing
    • SassBuilder compiles SASS to CSS every time I save. I find it makes sense for my code editor to do this work rather than Grunt or some such thing
    • GitGutter helps keep track of which lines have changed since the last commit
  • AMPPS for setting up my local dev environment
    • easier PHP version switching, extension management, and domain aliases than MAMP
  • YummyFTP for when Git isnā€™t a deployment option
  • BrowserStack for cross-browser testing ā€¦ if my client is willing to pay for the subscription :smile:
  • MacBook Pro running the latest Mac OS X release :smile:
  • phpenv and the PHP built-in web server. I use Homebrew to manage packages on Mac OS X, including PHP and related stuff
  • Composer to manage PHP packages and dependencies
  • Composer custom scripts to start the PHP built-in server, test code, deploy with git or rsync and preprocess/bundle/minify assets. In alternative I use CodeKit just for assets :zap:
  • Vim + Git or Textmate and SSH + SCP or Transmit :older_man:
  • GitLab + GitLab CI for code hosting, continuous integration, notes (Wiki), code snippets and project management (Issues)
  • Fastmail for emails, calendars, contacts and even file storage/sharing. :older_man: Slack for lightning fast teamwork communications :zap:
  • DigitalOcean (and sometimes Heroku :zap:) for websites hosting


  • Sublime text 2
  • Prepros for SASS and JS
  • Filezilla
  • Todoist for todo list
  • Kirby (2 sites)
  • Wordpress (30 sites)


  • Asus mini PC
  • HP 27"
  • Sublime Text 3
  • git
  • SourceTree
  • bitbucket
  • git-ftp (deploying)
  • lftp (backup)
  • ForkLift
  • Trello
  • local Apache Installation
  • iMac + MacBook

Okay, seems that Iā€™m a littlebit late to the party, but letā€™s see what I got ā€¦ :slight_smile:


  • Retina MacBook Pro 15" (2,5 GHz, 16 Gb RAM): It is a little too heavy and too large for my taste, after I had worked with a 13" Macbook for about 8 years. But on the other hand, the larger screen is versy helpful when working while travelling.
  • Crappy old 24" Samsung TFT Monitor: Itā€™s still around and I finally found a colorimeter that could make it almost display colors like it should. :rainbow:
  • Wacom Cintiq 13": For illustration, artwork and photo retouching.
  • Apple Keyboard: The wired one, as the larger arrow keys and the num pad are more economic. I also have a wireless one, but I only use it while drawing on the Cintiq, as it needs less space on my desk.


  • Apple Mail for E-Mail
  • Firefox for Browsing (sometimes Safari, because the battery lasts longer when using it)
  • iA Writer (Markdown Editing)
  • ownCloud for File/Contacts/Calendar syncing (iOS support sucks ā€¦ :frowning: )
  • Adobe Photoshop (Illustration, web design, photo editing)
  • Adobe Illustrator (vector editing)
  • Adobe InDesign (for print)
  • Affinity Designer (bought it to replace photoshop and Illustrator, but I am not fully convinced yet)
  • Sketch 3 (just started to learn it)
  • Coda 2 (not for editing anymore; only for FTP, as I did not switch to Transmit yet)
  • Sublime Text 3 / Atom (not sure, which one is better suited for me ā€¦ but with Sublime, my notebookā€™s fans are way less noisy)
  • Parallels Desktop (for virtualization, browser tests and occasionally playing old windows games :wink: )
  • MAMP PRO (Dev Server)
  • Tower (git client)
  • Gulp.js & SASS


  • Retina MacBook Pro 13" Early 2015 (2.7GHz 16BG ram) : agree with @fabianmichael on the screen, the 13 is a bit tiny if you want to work only on it and you donā€™t have an external monitor BUT with the retina you can push the resolution up to 1680x1050 which makes everything insanely small on a 13 but you gain some virtual real estate space.
  • 29" Dell ultrawide : decent to do work, AWESOME to watch movies :grin:
  • Apple Magic Mouse
  • 2x1TB WD MyPassport : one is for timemachine backups and the other is my archive for old projects or stuff I donā€™t need on a day to day basis (stock photos, videos ecc)
  • Ikea desk : my desk is just an Ikea wooden board on top of 2 ikea trestles
  • Varier Thatsit : last year I decided to invest in a good chair because Iā€™m fairly tall (190 or 6.3 for the imperial friends out there) and my back was killing me.
  • AKG K545 : my current headphones.
  • iPhone 6s & iPad Air 3 : mainly to test stuff


  • OS : whatever Apple has released at the moment.
  • Polymail : my current email client
  • Chrome/Firefox/Safari : for browsing & testing
  • iA Writer 3 : I write everything on writer.
  • Sketch : for the rare occasions in which I need to do some design work
  • Slack : to stay in contact with a few friends around the globe and discuss work related stuff
  • Transmit : my Ftp client of choice
  • iTerm3 + zsh : to run scripts, using git and other dev related things
  • Sublime Text 3 : with material theme and input font
  • Alfred : Huge Alfred fan


  • & Typekit : for webfonts
  • Mediatemple, Siteground and DigitalOcean : hosting
  • Gmail : for all my email both personal and work related (I use the Google Apps for Work)
  • Dropbox Pro : to share stuff and backup things
  • : for all my domains
  • Github Pro : I like the github UI but I want private repos.
  • Spotify : because you simply canā€™t work without music
  • Sequel Pro : for those rare occasions in which i need to do something on a database

Dev Env

  • Apache : Iā€™m using the built in version
  • Homebrew : to handle all the things that are not the built in apache (php versions, mysqlā€¦)
  • Node, NVM and NPM : I use npm as a building tool so no need for grunt, gulp and company. I have a bunch of packages I use regularly (basic things like compiling sass, minify things, live reload, browser sync and so on) and I cry for a week every time I need to set up everything again after a format or on a new machine.

Bonus Items

  • 4 cats : to make you happy
  • Coffee & Water : always on the desk
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I want to edit my post and update it, but I only have these options:

It seems like I can only edit the reply within a specific time. If I canā€™t edit my reply probably no one can except for the crew?

Wow, so Mac dominated!

My setup isā€¦


  • Dell XPS 13 (Infinity Display, i5, 16GB RAM, 500GB SSD)
  • 27" 4k Samsung display
  • Bose QuietComfort 25 noise cancelling headphones


  • Ubuntu 16.04.1
  • Apache + PHP + MySQL from repos
  • Sublime Text 3
  • Filezilla for FTP
  • Kirby (duhh!)
  • The brilliant Kirby SCSS Plugin
  • Gnome Terminal
  • Chrome browser
  • Gimp for basic image stuff


Iā€™m working on a 2015 Gibabyte P34w connected to a 24" iiyama display in my workshop. Iā€™m running Arch Linux with a KDE environment. I changed last year after 10 years with a couple of Macbook Pro and OSX (last version was Mavericks). I decided to go open-source to change the way I work as a graphical designer, get out my comfort zone and do new things with different tools. (It does not change a lot from a Mac for the coding part.)

I always used the built-in Apache and PHP. I use Atom for almost every kind of text files. FileZilla for FTP. A terminal for SSH. I was using Tower to manage Git repositories, but it does not exist on Linux, so now Iā€™m using command line from terminal and itā€™s actually faster when you get used to it. Iā€™m using a personal Gogs installation for private repositories and Github for the public ones. A personal Yunohost installation to replace everything private (Dropbox, Gmail, Wetransfert, etc.) with open-source alternative. Firefox as main browser. A pre-configure Kirby environment for coding. Inkscape to designing. html2print when I make books. Antidote 9 as dictionary (even if itā€™s not open-source).

well, i have working whit Linux (Ubuntu,KDE) For a long time but now iā€™m back in Windows 10, but the day will come who i will change to Mac OSX ;), Because iā€™m a big apple fan!.

My Local Server runns whit XAMPP

My Programms:

  • SourceTree (Git Client)
  • Atom (Code Editor)
  • Sublime Text
  • Pycharm (IDE For Python)
  • GIT Bash (i love to typing commands into the terminal)
  • Putty (SSH Client)
  • Navicat (For Creating Databaseā€™s)
  • Filezilla (a FTP Programm)
  • Google Chrome Canary whit some Helpful addons, like the VueJS Dev tools
  • Bower (a package manager)
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  • 2015 rMBP w/ Force Click (which really coems in handy)
  • iphone and old Android for for mobile testing


  • Brackets (extensions: emmet, code-folding, phpLint)
  • Codekit (SASS, Live Browser Sync, etc.)
  • Sketch (for Design)
  • MAMP
  • Filezilla
  • Chrome for Development
  • Safari for browsing

Gotta PC for development.

I donā€™t know what kind of PC it is, but I guess itā€™s a PC - I bought it 10 years ago, in 2007.

Windows 10.

Connected to two monitors, also ten years old.

XAMMP for local development.

Notepad++ for editing.

WinSCP for uploading.

Navicat for remote mySQL.

Photoshop for imaging.

Thatā€™s it.