Group by structured data date. Can do by date, but not by year

Here is my code. I’ve tried callbacks. I can group just by groupBy(insider_date) but that only grouped by date, not by year.

If you know how I can do this by year, that would be awesome. Here’s my code.


$marketingItems = $page->marketing()->toStructure();
$callback = function($marketingItems) {
    return $marketingItems->insider_date('Y');
$getMarketingItems = $marketingItems->groupBy($callback);

<div class="text">
    <div class="grid-x grid-margin-x grid-padding-x grid-padding-y grid-margin-y small-up-1 medium-up-3 large-up-5" >
        <? foreach($getMarketingItems as $group => $itemsPerGroup): ?>
            <div class="newsItem box effect1 cell filter-simple-item">
                <h2 class="box-header"><?php echo ucwords($group) ?></h2>
                <p>  <ul>
                    <?php foreach($itemsPerGroup as $item) : ?>
                            <a href="<?php e($item->url()->isNotEmpty(), $item->url(), $item->url()) ?>" <?php e($item->url()->isNotEmpty(), 'target="_blank"', '') ?> >
                                if ($item->url()->isNotEmpty())
                                    echo html($item->title() . ' ' . '<i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i>');
                                    echo html($item->title());

                    <?php endforeach; ?>

        <?php endforeach ?>



groupBy() does not accept a callback function, is that a typo?

Apart from that, have you tried:

$callback = function($marketingItems) {
    return $marketingItems->date('Y', 'insider_date');

I’m trying to use groupby. Not a typo. Also, you have marketingItems->date but my yaml is insider_date: will that matter?

              label: Date
              type: date

This worked. Thanks texnixe


$marketingItems = $page->marketing()->toStructure();
$callback = function($marketingItems) {
    return $marketingItems->date('Y', 'insider_date');
$getMarketingItems = $marketingItems->group($callback);

<div class="text">
    <div class="grid-x grid-margin-x grid-padding-x grid-padding-y grid-margin-y small-up-1 medium-up-3 large-up-5" >
        <? foreach($getMarketingItems as $group => $itemsPerGroup): ?>
            <div class="newsItem box effect1 cell filter-simple-item">
                <h2 class="box-header"><?php echo ucwords($group) ?></h2>
                <p>  <ul>
                    <?php foreach($itemsPerGroup as $item) : ?>
                            <a href="<?php e($item->url()->isNotEmpty(), $item->url(), $item->url()) ?>" <?php e($item->url()->isNotEmpty(), 'target="_blank"', '') ?> >
                                if ($item->url()->isNotEmpty())
                                    echo html($item->title() . ' ' . '<i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i>');
                                    echo html($item->title());

                    <?php endforeach; ?>

        <?php endforeach ?>


Just on a side note: I wouldn’t use a plural for the function parameter/inside the function; this is always a single collection member, so I think its less confusing to use a singular here:

$callback = function($marketingItem) {
    return $marketingItem->date('Y', 'insider_date');

One more quick question. That worked.

Any idea, how I can take

if ($item->url()->isNotEmpty() || $item->postimage()->isNotEmpty())
  echo html($item->title() . ' ' . $item->insider_date('m') . ' ' . '<i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i>');

and make $item->insider_date(‘m’) and return the actual month name. Like september?

Thanks your singular suggestion worked too.

Have a look at strftime(), but note that it takes a Unix timestamp as parameter, so you have to convert the string from insider_date to a unix timestamp first.

echo stftime('%B', strtotime($item->insider_date()));

(Might be necessary to use $item->insider_date()->value(), I’m never sure when this is necessary or not)