Get key from Json cache


I try to access my keys from an external json file. I’ve cached it with :

 $apiCache = $kirby->cache('api');
$apiData  = $apiCache->get('apiData');
if ($apiData === null) {
   $apiData = Remote::get('');
   $apiData = json_decode($apiData->content, true);
   $apiCache->set('apiData', $apiData->content(), 30);

And now I can see all data with dump($apiData); but as soon as I write

<?php foreach($apiData["results"] as $key=>$value):?>
<?php echo $value["_source"]["ua"]["artwork"]["domain"] ?>
<?php endforeach ?>

I get the message Illegal string offset 'results'. I don’t understant how to get access, or how can I write it another way to get results, is there something wrong in my code ?

Ok sorry, seems to be

   $apiCache = $kirby->cache('api');
$apiData  = $apiCache->get('apiData');
if ($apiData === null) {
   $apiData = Remote::get('');
   $apiData = json_decode($apiData->content, true);
   $apiCache->set('apiData', $apiData, 30);