I want to get the default language code. I can do this:
foreach(site()->languages() as $language) {
if( $language->default() === true ) {
$code = $language->code();
echo $code;
It’s much overhead. Is it possible to do something like this?
echo site->defaultLanguageCode();
Oh, great! I was looking here:
A search function for docs would be great when you are a little disorientated as me.
Yes, I agree, while we do have a search function, it does not necessarily unveil what you are looking for. I put that on the to do list quite some time ago …
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Ahh! I always hang on the cheatsheet page so this it the first time I saw it. It’s quite nice but as always I have some things on my mind.
- When searching it searches live with ajax. When clicking enter that search result disapears and another search result appear with another design. It’s a little bit difficult to get back to the ajax design which is more compact.
- I’ve never used the search box because I never hang on the docs root page. Maybe have a search on every function collection page, like toolkit and cheatsheet.
- Exact matching is missing. This search finds many things, even things that don’t match.
- Best matches are not in the top of the list.
I could go on. A basic search it is and it will probably help me in the future.
Who would have expected anything else? 
But as I said, there’s enough room for improvement …
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<?php echo $kirby->language()->code(); ?>