Gallery snippet with various options: make it more efficient

There are always several ways to reach your goal. The shortest route is often the most efficient.
This also applies to approaches when optimizing queries.

In my case, I have extended the gallery snippet to display images in 3 different ways: as a masonry gallery, as a carousel or as a swiper gallery. Everything works perfectly. Nevertheless, I wonder if the query of the options in the template is elegantly solved or if there is a better way to do it. I am mainly concerned with the use of if/else queries.


<?php if ($block->galleryrepresentation()->value() === 'masonry') : ?>
<!-- etc. -->
<?php elseif ($block->galleryrepresentation()->value() === 'carousel') : ?>
<!-- etc. -->
<?php elseif ($block->galleryrepresentation()->value() === 'swiper') : ?>
<!-- etc. -->
<?php endif ?>


    type: toggles
      - masonry
      - carousel
      - swiper
    default: "masonry"
    required: true

I guess you want different code per value, so the most elegant way would be to create snippets masonry.php, gallery.php etc. and then simply call

<?php snippet($block->galleryrepresentation()->value()) ?>

And pass the data you need to the snippet.

You can also prepend or append something to the snippet name if that makes more sense:

<?php snippet('gallery-block-type-' . $block->galleryrepresentation()->value()) ?>

Thanks for the quick reply. The code for the individual galleries is very extensive (OK, I admit it’s only 120 lines of code for all 3 galleries…), but is not used anywhere else on the website. It is therefore not necessary to outsource the code. I would even have 3 more files.
I am only concerned with the if/else queries, whether these have been solved well. Also, regarding possible sources of error if a value has not been set. Since you have not addressed this at all, my solution already appears to be optimal. :sunglasses:

Even more reason to move them to a snippet to keep the block snippet clean. Snippets are not just about reuse, they are also about code cleanliness and avoiding unnecessary nested if statements.

But hey, up to you.