"Forgot Password?" in /panel

you could offer a php skript that take a new password param alters the account file. reset to a random one and send a mail. following skirpt is untested, just use this as an inspiration.

// URL http://www.example.com/user:myuser/forgot-password:1
// URL Routing http://www.example.com/forgot-password/user:myuser
if($newpassword = get('forgot-password' && $changeUser = get('user'))) {
  $newPW = str::random(8);
      'password' => $newPW
 // send mail to user with new pw
 $mail = $site->user($changeUser)->email();
 $email = new Email(array(
    'to'      => $mail,
    'from'    => $mail,
    'subject' => 'new password',
    'body'    => 'some text: '.$newPW

  if($email->send()) {
   echo 'The email has been sent';
  } else {
    echo $email->error()->message();


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