Force column in new row?

I’m looking for the best way to force a column to wrap to the next row. We’re using a layout like this for multiple blueprints:

primary fields (2/3) | secondary fields (1/3)
pages section (1/3) | pages section (2/3)

For one of those blueprints, there are no secondary fields. But if we leave it out, the first pages section takes its place, which we don’t want in this case.

What is the best way to force a column to start in the next row? Just setting the width and not defining any content displays the column like this:

Screenshot 2022-12-12 at 12.52.50

Is there any way to tell the blueprint not to display anything in the column?

Our current workaround looks like this:

- width: 1/3
  type: fields
      type: gap

The gap is just empty space, so the column appears empty. But this isn’t ideal because it’s kind of verbose, and will probably create additional space on mobile.

Could you please post the blueprint?

@texnixe Sure, here’s the relevant part of the blueprint:

    label: Inhalte
      - width: 2/3
          content: sections/fields/default-content
      - width: 1/3
        type: fields
            type: gap
      - width: 1/3
            extends: sections/pages/jobs
            label: Entwürfe
            status: draft
      - width: 2/3
            extends: sections/pages/jobs
            label: Stellenangebote
            status: listed

We would like the third column (with the pages section displaying drafts) to always begin in a new row so it’s next to the other pages section (displaying listed pages), even if the second column is empty (or does not exist at all).