Filter pages by date in pages section?

Hello. I’m using Kirby 3.9.7. In the panel I’d like to present upcoming events and past events. Is it possible to filter pages in the pages section based on a set date in comparison of time()? I think I’ve seen some complex workarounds. I want to know if it’s possible out of the box (otherwise I’m just gonna list all the events and the client can work it out). Any insight would be appreciated.

It’s possible out of the box since Kirby 4.

For Kirby 3, you will have to revert to PHP blueprints, see examples in this recipe: PHP-based blueprints | Kirby CMS

I’m livin’ in the past Sonja. I’ll have to get my life in order and upgrade.
Thanks for confirming. I hope all is well.

Has it advantages…

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