I have a question about the new uuid functionality, specifically about the filtering. I use a pages field like this:
label: Category
type: pages
query: kirby.collection("categories")
link: false
required: true
translate: false
This works fine in the panel and in the frontend. This category field is stored like this in the txt-file btw:
Category: - page://rpB2zendwVFJIkCR
But if I append a filter like this, no page (children of ‘angebote’) will be found:
$categories = ['page://P52Rxoj5JFB3zmMI', 'page://rpB2zendwVFJIkCR'];
$results = page('angebote')->children()->listed()->filterBy('category', 'in', $categories);
What am I doing wrong? At least the page with the quoted content of the txt-file should be found.
Thanks! And a happy christmas and a happy new year to each and every one of you.