Hello there,
When I add a PDF file to the content folder via PHP and then var_dump the files of $site or $page, it seems the files() is empty. Looks like $site and $page vars fetch the content during page load.
How do I access the PDF file through “files()”?
How do I “refresh” the $site or “$page” variable?
The code is in the controller:
return function($kirby, $pages, $page, $site) {
$pdf->Output('content/voucher/' . $pdfName, 'F');
$pdf->Output('content/voucher/' . $pdfName, 'F');
is what creates the file?
Have a look at File::create() | Kirby CMS to create the file as object in the Kirby context. This will also ensure to add it to the relevant collections (like $page->files()
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I add this file::create code below the code “$pdf->output”? (with adjusted params)
$pdf->Output('content/voucher/' . $pdfName, 'F');
$file = File::create([
'source' => kirby()->root('assets').'/images/some-image.jpg',
'parent' => page('photography')->children()->listed()->first(),
'filename' => 'new-image.jpg',
'template' => 'cover',
'content' => [
'caption' => 'A nice view from above',