Files blueprint for all files of the site with a specific template

Hey everyone,
Since i updated to 3.3.0 my “all files” Field doesnt work anymore.
I wanted to get all files with a specific template from the grandchildren of the site.
I solved it like this:

        type: files
        headline: Gesammeltes Material
        layout: cards
        parent: site.children.children
        template: material
        info: "{{ file.parent.headline }}"
        max: 1

Now i get the error

Der Bereich “allFiles” konnte nicht geladen werden: The parent for the section “allFiles” has to be a page, site or user object

Has something changed i didnt noticed? Or is there even a better solution for this task?

Kind Regards,

Hm, but that is not a field, but a files section definition where you always had to pass a page/site/user as parent… Nothing new here in 3.3:

Sorry, i meant files section. It was working somehow in 3.0.
Is it in anyway possible to show every file of the whole site with a specific template?

If is just about displaying files, you could use my plugin: GitHub - texnixe/k3-filesdisplay-section. It lets you query any files from anywhere. Doesn’t have an upload option though.

Thats exactly what i needed. Thank you very much!