File URLs change when pages are moved or made invisible

I’m well aware of that, but you have to look at how links are usually generated to be able to find a solution.

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@PaulMorel: Let me know if this works for you, then we can close the GitHub issue again and wait for a native method to get a permanent URL.

As a file method:


file::$methods['permanentUrl'] = function($file) {
  return site()->url() . DS . $file->page()->id() . DS . $file->filename();

This causes a error 500 on the server and Kirby seems to display a JSON response of the error.

{"status":"error","message":"Invalid route or request method"}

I get an error 500 served by the server, not Kirby.

Do you get the error when clicking such a link or just from adding the method as a plugin?

While clicking for the former and while adding the method for the latter.

Edit: my bad, there was a typo.

I just added the file method in a new file “methods.php” and saved that in the plugins folder, that’s all (/site/plugins/methods.php)

My bad, there was a typo in the file.

I still get a Kirby route error though. From what I can see it’s because neither urls have the language codes.

In my case, it works if you do it like this though.

file::$methods['permanentUrl'] = function($file) {
  return site()->url() . DS . site()->language()->code() . DS . $file->page()->id() . DS . $file->filename();

Not ideal, but it works.

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Note that the DS constant is not great here. You won’t have a problem on a Linux server, but for URLs you should just use /.

file::$methods['permanentUrl'] = function($file) {
  $site = $file->site();
  $lang = $site->multilang() ? $site->language()->code() . '/' : '';
  return $site->url() . '/' . $lang . $file->page()->id() . '/' . $file->filename();