file://k6Eti5Oh6PKC9sEa stored in content.txt instead of image path like image.jpg

Thanks for the help in advance, everyone!
The first section of my website should display two simple image.
I configured the landing.yml

inside the pages’ folder of my blueprints:

title: Landing

    label: First Image
    type: files
    max: 1
    help: "Upload the first image."
    query: page.files.filterBy('type', 'image')

    label: Second Image
    type: files
    max: 1
    help: "Upload the second image."
    query: page.files.filterBy('type', 'image')

the backend looks great and allows me to upload two images into my content folder that is structured like this:

  • 1_Home
    ↳ home.txt
  • 2_Home
  • 3_Landing

When I upload images through the backend, they appear correctly in the landing folder of my content folder. But the landing.txt stores incorrect file paths:

the landing.txt looks like this:

Title: Landing

Template: landing

Image1: - file://k6Eti5Oh6PKC9sEa

Image2: - file://ornCG1qf7jlzxEyC

Uuid: VT5gw1zJ3y9JTEI9

This results as my images not being fetched through my php and therefore not displayed on my website:

<section id="landing">
    <div class="frame frame1">
        $landingPage = page('landing');
        if ($landingPage):
            echo "<p>Landing page found!</p>";

            if ($image1 = $landingPage->image1()->first()):
                echo "<p>Image 1 found!</p>";
                echo "<img src='" . $image1->url() . "' alt='Landing Image 1' />";
                echo "<p>No image found for frame 1</p>";
            echo "<p>Landing page not found!</p>";

Welcome to the Kirby forum :wave:

You need to convert the field values to file object, for a single file $landingPage->image1()->toFile(), see documentation for the files field:

For some background info: Kirby stores a unique id rather than the filename, so that the reference is still valid if a file is renamed.

this of course worked. Thank you very much for the fast and precise help.
I’ll have a look at the documentation.
Big Thanks