Hello, I’m strating to use TimOetting builder. I’m using this generic loop for calling the fields. And I want to exlude the “quote” field from the output. I’ve got the intuition I should do something with ->not('quote') but lacking the savoir-faire to know where… Can you help me? thank you
Thank for the answer, it’s not working or I cannot make it work. Should I include this line snippet('blocks/' . $block->_key(), array('data' => $block));, then it just reapeat the loop, otherwise nothing outputs…?
title: Default Page
preset: page
label: Sous-titre
type: text
label: Page Builder
type: builder
columns: 1 # Optional. If set to 2 or more, the builder blocks will be placed in a grid.
max: 10 # Optional. Limits the number of builder blocks that can be added.
name: Quote # The name option is used as a label for the buttons to add new fieldsets. It is also used as a label in the header of the fieldset, if the label option is not set explicitly (see next line).
label: Citation de {{auteur}}
label: Citation
type: textarea
label: Auteur
type: text
text: blocks/text
extratext: blocks/extratext
events: blocks/events
Title: Cours de groupe
Subtitle: Prise de conscience
title: ""
text: |
Je donne des cours…
Comment se déroule un cours de groupe?
Si vous n’êtes jamais venu, venez essayer un cours gratuitement!
fontfamily: ""
fontsize: null
_key: text
_uid: text_1590743463601_509
citation: >
Ne jamais commencer à arrêter, ne
jamais arrêter de COMMENCER.
auteur: Cheva Shelhav
_key: quote
_uid: quote_1590743428851_509
title: Some title
text: Some text
fontfamily: ""
fontsize: null
_key: text
_uid: text_1590935573420_859